Webinar on ‘Careers In Commerce’

The College organized a live webinar on the topic ‘Careers in Commerce’ for prospective students and their parents on 23rd July 2021. The Speaker for the session was CMA Deepak Row, an ex-student of the College. The webinar began at 11:05 am and ended at 12:30 pm. It was screened live through Google Meet and the College YouTube channel.
Prof. Dr. Prita D. Mallya, Principal of the College welcomed the participants and gave an overview of the webinar. Thenceforward, the participants were made familiar with the objectives of the webinar. The Programme Coordinator for B.Com, Dr. Edwin Barreto presented virtual glimpses of the College. Dr. Lina Sadekar, Associate Professor in Commerce introduced the resource person.
The Resource Person addressed the students and the parents and placed before them the whole range of careers in Sales and Marketing, Human Resource, Finance and related areas. He highlighted the various processes involved in each of these areas and the opportunities available within these processes. He also informed about the courses that could be taken up for better job prospects. He shared his rich experiences during his early career and offered suggestions and tips to the participants. The Resource Person also addressed the career-related queries put across in the chat box.
Dr. Rodney D’Silva, Vice-Principal of the College proposed the Vote of Thanks. 191 participants attended the webinar through the online screening platforms. The participants provided a very positive feedback about the webinar. Dr. Sheetal Arondekar and Mr. Gajanan Haldankar were the teachers in charge of the webinar.