Mentoring Orientation for Parents at PTA Meeting

The Student Welfare Cell conducted a Mentoring Orientation for the parents of students at the Annual General Meeting organized by Parent Teaching Association (PTA). The session was held on 13th July 2024, from 8.30 am onwards, in Hall No. 1, located on 5th Floor of the Central Block. The Convenor of the Student Welfare Cell, Dr. Lira M. Gama, warmly welcomed all the parents attending the session. The purpose of the orientation was to familiarize the parents with the various activities of the Student Welfare Cell of the college.

Dr. Lira Gama, in her animated presentation, discussed the importance of mentoring the students and familiarized them with the methods that the mentors adopt to mentor the students. She informed the parents about the special initiatives such as remedial classes, buddy learning initiative, etc. undertaken by the college to improve the performance of the students in Intra- Semester Assessments as well as Semester End Assessment. She explained how the mentors take initiative in maintaining good relationship with their mentees.

She advised the parents to appreciate their children’s smallest academic and co-curricular achievements, monitor their pocket money spendings, mobile phones usage, timings of the college, etc. She also discussed the importance of attendance for the students. Dr. Lira also informed the parents about the availability of scholarships for the students and advised them to encourage the students to apply for the same. Towards the end of the session, Dr. Lira addressed the queries of the parents regarding mentoring and scholarships. Parents were also encouraged to contact the mentors in case of any problems or doubts related to the academics of the student. The session was organized and coordinated by faculty members, Ms. Pretty Pereira, Ms. Sweta Shet Verenkar, Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Ms. Valencia Baptista, Ms. Sneha Prabhudessai, and Dr. Mamta Kane. Parents of the students across all the programmes of the college attended the session.