Guest Lecture on ‘Research Alignment: Understanding The Construction of Objectives and Hypothesis’

A guest lecture was organized for M.Com students on the topic ‘Research Alignment: Understanding The Construction of Objectives and Hypothesis’ in  the subject Research Methodology and Business Statistics  July 3, 2021 at 10.00 a.m. through Google Meet.

The resource person for the session was Dr. Smita Sanzgiri, Associate Professor GVM’s Gopal Govind Poy Raiturcar College of Commerce & Economics, Farmagudi, Goa.  She has been awarded Ph.D. in the area of women entrepreneurship in Goa.

The lecture was organised with the objective of making students understand how to align the objectives and hypothesis while doing research.

The session started with the brief introduction of the speaker by M.Com Part I student Ms. Sanjana Kamat. The speaker covered in her presentation points like framing of objectives aligning the research questions, meaning, types, source of hypothesis and how to align hypothesis with the objectives through various examples. Dr. Sanzgiri also covered the examples where she demonstrated how to avoid misalignment of research questions, objectives and hypothesis. The lecture ended with an interactive session between the resource person and the students.

Ms. Anar Singbal, M.Com Part-I student, proposed the vote of thanks. 30 students attended the guest lecture, organized by Asst. Professor, CMA Shameem Memon.