Guest Lecture

The Post-Graduate Department organized an online Guest Lecture in the subject of Cost Management and Controls for the students of M.Com-II on 16th July 2021 from 10.00-11.00am on Google Meet platform. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Shailendra Veluskar, Partner at Kris Manufacturing Company, Kakoda-Goa. Assistant Professor Ms. Pooja Shanbhag and faculty incharge of the activity, addressed the participants and welcomed the Resource Person for the session. Ms. Elaine Sequeira, student of M.Com-II introduced the Speaker to the audience.

The Guest Faculty commenced the session by explaining his entrepreneurial journey and the hardships that he faced in the initial stages of setting up his business. He gave a brief description about his business model and further shared his experience of starting his own manufacturing unit in Goa and how he managed to capture the market share within a short period of time, with the help of innovative marketing strategies and good market research.
Mr. Veluskar briefed the students on the practical aspects of cost accounting and management giving relevant examples. He elaborated in detail the type of machinery used, sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing process, application of products in the construction industry, etc. He guided the students on how to price the product correctly without compromising on quality. Mr. Veluskar also shared his experience on cost management strategies that he followed during the pandemic and his future plans.

The Speaker addressed all the queries raised by the students at the end of the session. Students provided positive feedback about the session, stating that it was extremely enriching, informative and interactive. Ms. Gayatri Samant, student of M.Com-II proposed the Vote of Thanks. 29students attended the lecture.