Gallery RAJ_1978RAJ_2012RAJ_2024RAJ_2031RAJ_2037RAJ_2041RAJ_2044RAJ_2048RAJ_2070RAJ_2072RAJ_2078Shri HMN Gaunekar Birth Anniversary - The lighting of the lampShri HMN Gaunekar Birth Anniversary - The President of VVM shri. Ganesh Daivajna addressing the gatheringShri HMN Gaunekar Birth Anniversary - The Director IMTR Mr. Atul Shah speaks on the OccasionShri HMN Gaunekar Birth Anniversary - key note address on The role of Teachers in the Digital Age by Ms. Nandini VaidyanathanShri HMN Gaunekar Birth Anniversary - key note address on The role of Teachers in the Digital Age by Ms. Nandini Vaidyanathan 2Shri HMN Gaunekar Birth Anniversary - The closing address by the First Vice President- VVM shri Nitin KuncolienkarPaintingcompetetion2345KPS_3921KPS_3932KPS_3961KPS_40041Slide31Slide1Slide2Slide3Slide4Slide5Slide6Slide7Slide8Slide9Slide10Slide11Slide12Slide13Slide14Slide15Slide16Slide17Slide18Slide19Slide20Slide21Slide22Slide23Slide24Slide25Slide26Slide27Slide28Slide29Slide30