Debate Competition

The Debators’ Floor Club of the Post-Graduate Department of Commerce organized a debate competition on July 2, 2021 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm via Google Meet platform. The main objective behind conducting this activity was to provide students with an opportunity to develop their critical thinking ability, polish their presentation skills and put forward their thoughts in an organized manner. It also helps in making them tolerant towards others’ opinions and viewpoints, thus making them more adaptable in a world of continuous changes and challenges.

The topic for the debate was ‘Online Examinations: Boon or Bane’. The participants were divided into 2 teams. Students FOR the motion were Mr. Sankesh Bhagat, Ms. Bindu Poojari, Mr. Saiesh Naik, Ms. Janice Gomes and Ms. Shristi Patel. Students AGAINST the motion were Mr. Ganesh Kumavat, Ms. Stacy Pereira, Ms. Reneta Costa, Mr. Anmol Shetti and Mr. Rohit Prajapati. The moderator for the session was Ms. Elaine Maria Sequeria, student of M.Com Part II. The debate competition was judged by Ms. Stesa Pereira, Asst. Prof Department of Economics and Ms. Amba Prabhu, College Counselor.

The competition began with a welcome address delivered by Asst. Prof. Ms. Sheryl Da Silva. Asst. Prof. Ms. Pooja Shanbhag explained the general rules applicable for debate and the judging criteria. The event comprised4 rounds and the competition began with each participant presented opening statements for and against the topic. As the debate progressed, there were views and counter views proposed by both the team members. Each participant tried to explain and justify why online examination was in the interest of the students or against the interest of the student’s community. The participants put forth meaningful and valid arguments and interjections.  The best speaker title was bagged by Ms. Bindu Poojari and Mr. Ganesh Kumavat and the best interjector was awarded to Ms. Janice Gomes and Mr. Rohit Prajapati. Mr. Sankesh Bhagat, Ms. Reneta Costa and Ms. Stacy Pereira were awarded the Best Rebutter title for their active participation throughout the session. The event concluded at 1.30 pm with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Asst. Prof Ms. Seema Dharani.48 students participated in the event. Non-participating students formed a very enthusiastic and appreciative audience and the event was a grand success.