DAMODAR UTSAV 2020-2021: Meme War Competition

The Students’ Council organized a virtual Meme War competition under ’Damodar Utsav’ to inspire students to perform creative work and follow their passion. The aim of the competition was to promote digital literacy.

The Competition was conducted in three rounds on 29th and 30th June 2021. Participants were tasked with making creative memes on the themes given to them during the rounds. They were provided with full autonomy to let their imagination and skills flow as long as their entries were not offensive in any way. Each participant put his best efforts forward and delivered an outstanding and groundbreaking meme.

15 students participated in the competition. All the entries received were both innovative and creative. The winners were selected on the basis of the meme’s content and originality.

After the successful completion of the competition, the top 3 participants were declared the winners of the competition. They were namely:

Mr. Sachin Kumar Singh from TY B.Com D
Ms. Dekasha Odarkar from M.Com Part 1
Mr. Mihir Suchak from SY B.Com B

Assistant Professor Trisha Vadil coordinated the activities and Event head Ms. Ruchika Chaudhari from FY BCA A assisted her.