August 30, 2021 Comments are off

Visit to “Forum for Innovation, Incubation, Research and Entrepreneurship (FiiRE)”

Dr. Shami Pai, Dr. Maithili Naik and Ms. Muktali Kunkolienkar, visited the FiiRE incubation centre at Don Bosco Engineering College, Fatorda, Margao-Goa on July 19, 2021 from11.00 am to 12.45 pm, with the objective to activate the College Incubation Centre. The faculty members got an opportunity to interact with D.S. Prashant, CEO, FiiRE, Venugopal TR, Incubation Manager, FiiRE and Sudip Faldesai, Project Officer, State Innovation Council Goa. The interaction commenced with a presentation by Mr. Venugopal on the idea behind establishing FiiRE and the facilities offered to entrepreneurs and start-ups. He briefed the faculty members on the entire process involved in providing assistance to companies. He highlighted that FiiRE prefers assisting Start-ups working in the field of Agriculture and Rural ecosystem. Mr. Venugopal showed the work cubicles, Co-working space, and other amenities available at FiiRE for start-up promoters.

Mr. Prashant discussed with the faculty members the proposed plan to activate the Incubation Centre at Shree Damodar College. He inquired with the faculty members the motive behind volunteering for this proposal and the capabilities or entrepreneurial qualities inherent in their students. He also mentioned that for the successful functioning of the Incubation Centre, it is essential that the drive for pushing it ahead should come from the students. He highlighted the importance of having at least one successful start-up student case on the campus to motivate the other students. Mr. Prashant asked the faculty members to prepare a workable plan of action for activation of the incubation facility at their institution and share it with him prior to the next meeting. He agreed to visit the institution on the 3rd August 2021 to take the discussion ahead.

The faculty also got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Sudip Faldesai, Project Officer, Goa State Innovation Council. Mr. Faldesai briefed the faculty on the various research and innovation schemes of State Government available to students –faculty and gave a tour of the STEM laboratory setup by Goa State Innovation Council for public at Don Bosco Engineering College, Fatorda- Margao, Goa.

August 28, 2021 Comments are off

Guest Lecture

The Post-Graduate Department organized an online Guest Lecture in the subject of Cost Management and Controls for the students of M.Com-II on 16th July 2021 from 10.00-11.00am on Google Meet platform. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Shailendra Veluskar, Partner at Kris Manufacturing Company, Kakoda-Goa. Assistant Professor Ms. Pooja Shanbhag and faculty incharge of the activity, addressed the participants and welcomed the Resource Person for the session. Ms. Elaine Sequeira, student of M.Com-II introduced the Speaker to the audience.

The Guest Faculty commenced the session by explaining his entrepreneurial journey and the hardships that he faced in the initial stages of setting up his business. He gave a brief description about his business model and further shared his experience of starting his own manufacturing unit in Goa and how he managed to capture the market share within a short period of time, with the help of innovative marketing strategies and good market research.
Mr. Veluskar briefed the students on the practical aspects of cost accounting and management giving relevant examples. He elaborated in detail the type of machinery used, sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing process, application of products in the construction industry, etc. He guided the students on how to price the product correctly without compromising on quality. Mr. Veluskar also shared his experience on cost management strategies that he followed during the pandemic and his future plans.

The Speaker addressed all the queries raised by the students at the end of the session. Students provided positive feedback about the session, stating that it was extremely enriching, informative and interactive. Ms. Gayatri Samant, student of M.Com-II proposed the Vote of Thanks. 29students attended the lecture.

August 28, 2021 Comments are off

National Level Online Quiz On “Doping & Health Education”

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized its 2nd National Level Online Quiz on “Doping & Health Education” from 12th July 2021 10:00 am to 14th July 2021 12:00 pm. The quiz was open for all. 929 participants answered the quiz. The purpose of organizing this quiz competition was to make people, especially students, aware about doping, its health effects and implications for sportspersons. The quiz had 20 questions; 795 participants who scored at least 50% received E-certificates.

August 28, 2021 Comments are off


The NSS Unit celebrated Vanamahotsav by organizing a tree plantation activity on the campus on 10th July 2021 from 11:30 am onwards. Shri Digambar Kamat, MLA, Margao, along with the local councillors and officials visited the Campus and planted some saplings. Principal, Vice-Principal, NSS POs, teaching and non-teaching staff also planted saplings and participated in the activity. This activity was conducted in collaboration with the Department of Forest and Agriculture.

August 27, 2021 Comments are off

Visit and Interaction at EDC Ltd. Panjim

Faculty members of the Postgraduate Department – Ms. Sheryl Da’Silva, Ms. Seema Dharani and Ms. Pooja Shanbhag – visited Economic Development Corporation Ltd., Panjim on 8th July 2021 at 3.30 pm. The purpose of the visit was to identify opportunities for linking with EDC for the purpose of training of the students and to design a Certificate course in Entrepreneurship Development and Internship.

After the initial introduction, the Deputy General Manager Mrs. Indira Fernandes gave a brief introduction about EDC, its objectives and the students involvement with EDC for internship. The Managing Director, Mr. K. V Ballikar, explained in detail about the various facets of EDC, right from its inception, training facilities offered at EDC Complex and its involvement with the entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs and students. He further elaborated on various schemes and assistance provided by EDC for nurturing entrepreneurship within the State.

CA Ashwin Kamat, alumnus of the College, discussed the training programmes conducted for potential entrepreneurs and different sessions conducted by EDC for new businesses. He also elaborated on various subsidiaries of EDC and their role. Mr. Santosh Kenkre, Director at EDC asked the faculty to prepare a brief proposal with respect to training sessions and designing of the certificate course. He expressed his willingness to participate in the training program for students and assured his assistance with further networking for the same. It was indeed a very fruitful and an interactive session.

August 27, 2021 Comments are off

Guest Lecture on Human Resource Management

The Post-Graduate Department organized an online Guest Lecture in subject of Human Resource Management for M. Com students on 7th July 2021 from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm on Google Meet platform. The purpose of the session was to acquaint students with some recent trends in the field of Human Resource Management. Mr. Anuraag Kadam, Assistant Manager Human Resources, (HOD), The Lalit Golf & Spa Resort Goa, was invited to share his expertise in the area of human resource management and the challenges faced by HR professionals.

The session began with a welcome address delivered by Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Asst. Professor in Commerce P.G Department, followed by a formal introduction of the Resource Person by Ms. Shraddha Naik, student of M.Com Part I. The Guest Faculty commenced the session by explaining the recruitment practices followed in the hospitality industry in general, and the changing role of HRM in the current scenario. The resource person addressed students on various aspects of HRM such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance appraisal and compensation. He spoke about the new functions which HR Professionals have to perform in modern times and also emphasized the career avenues available in this field.

Mr. Kadam further briefed students on the new HR practices introduced by his organization amidst the pandemic for the well-being of the employees and shared some inputs on how students should prepare for interviews and apply for jobs. The lecture was appreciated by the students and the speaker addressed all queries at the end of the session.  It was an extremely enriching, informative and an interactive session. Ms. Sanjana Kamat, student of M. Com Part I proposed the Vote of Thanks.48 students attended the session.

August 27, 2021 Comments are off

Certificate Course – Research Methodology

The Post-Graduate Department organized a 30 hour Certificate Course in Research Methodology for the students of M.Com Part II. The sessions commenced on 13th March 2021 and were conducted till 7th July 2021. The sessions were mostly conducted through online mode on Google Meet platform and some through offline mode. The objective of this Certificate Course was to provide the students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding about research and enable them to apply the research tools and techniques learnt. 26 students completed the course.

The Resource Persons for the course were

Dr. Kaustubh Kamat, Asst. Director of Higher Education,

Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar, Asst. Professor, Dept of Economics, DM College and Research Centre

Dr. Harip Khanapuri, Associate Professor in Commerce, Goa Business School

Dr Maithili Naik, Asst. Prof in Commerce, Shree Damodar College

The Resource Persons explained both – primary data analysis and secondary data analysis. All the topics were explained theoretically and practically using data analysis software.

Dr. Kaustubh Kamat emphasised on the basics and importance of research in today’s world, briefly introduced primary data analysis, population and sample data, variables, content analysis, literature review and collection of data. He stressed on inclusion and exclusion of questions to be considered while framing the questionnaire. He covered the techniques for analyzing primary data using SPSS Software. Topics such as types of variables, types of questions, feeding of data in the software, testing of hypotheses, concept of confidence interval, concept of significance level, descriptive statistics, types of normality tests, types of techniques to be employed for different types of variables or data were covered.

Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar dealt with secondary data analysis. He explained the basics of secondary data analysis, reasons for conducting such analysis, types of data, tabulation, time series graphs, descriptive/summary statistics, introduction to t-Test and hypothesis testing using Gretl software, regression and correlation analysis.

Dr. Harip Khanapuri discussed secondary data analysis and explained Unit Root Test to check stationarity of data and Vector Auto regression (VAR) Model to check the interdependence and impact of variables on each other in the short run. Under VAR Model, he covered three major topics, viz. determining fitness/goodness of the model, Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD) and Impulse Response Function (IRF) using Gretl software. He covered topics like creating work file, importing data, Unit Root Test, Optimal Lag Selection, Johansen Co-integration Test to examine the existence of long run relationship and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to correct deviations using EViews software.

Dr Maithili Naik, covered major techniques of secondary data analysis such as Granger Causality Test for analyzing the existence of causal relationship between variables, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and Generalized ARCH (GARCH) Model to examine the volatility using EViews Software.

The Certificate Course helped the students in increasing their knowledge and understanding of research methodology and to apply the data analysis techniques to their dissertations.

August 26, 2021 Comments are off

Industry Interaction Program (IIP) – Session IV

The Post-Graduate Department organized the fourth Industry Interaction Program on 5th July 2021 at 9.00 am via the Google Meet platform. The objective of this program was to provide students with a brief insight in the area of human resource development with special reference to learning and development.

The Resource Person for the Program was Mr. Shrey Sao, CFA, Learning & Development Manager, Visible Alpha Mumbai. The program commenced with a brief welcome address delivered by Ms. Seema Dharani, Asst. Professor Post -Graduate Department of Commerce.  Ms. Nita Sawant, student of M.Com Part II introduced the Resource Person for the session.

Mr. Sao began the session with a brief introduction on what industry expects from candidates, and why it is important for a fresher to possess the right attitude, skills and values. He stressed on the need to have application-oriented technical skills to excel in one’s career. Mr. Sao explained to the students that dream jobs don’t exist but one needs to create one’s dream job by exploring different opportunities at the right time. He urged students to be proactive and develop practical skills that will help them in becoming employable.

He addressed the students on various aspects of career perspective, career progression, expectation management and tips on cracking the interview. He also elaborated on different parameters that interviewers use to evaluate the candidates and urged students to invest into non-perishable skills. The Speaker emphasized on having the right attitude to have a lasting career and enlightened students on different concepts such as motivation, leadership and participation.

The students found the industry interact program very informative and beneficial. The Resource Person addressed the questions raised by the students at the end of the session. 35 participants attended the program. The session ended at 10:30 am, with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Isha Kudalkar, student of M.Com Part I.

August 25, 2021 Comments are off

DAMODAR UTSAV 2020-2021: “Battle Ground Mobile India (BGMI)”

Battle Ground Mobile India (BGMI) a mobile gaming event was held as part of Damodar Utsav on 29th and 30th June 2021

It was a two-day event with selected maps to play on. The organizers placed each team in given slots. The entire event was recorded and a live online screening of the final round was done on Zap Spector YouTube channel.

Day one of the game was played on Erangle and Miramar Maps. Team Ego and team Tapatap bagged first and second place on Day One. Team Tapatap and team Divine were winner and runner up for day two, respectively. The overall winners of the event were Mr. Mohit Team Spicy and Mr. Sachin Kumar Singh based on the total number of kill and game standing.

The event received an overwhelming response with the efforts of event in charge Mr. Prem Kumar and all the Students’ Council teachers and members. The teachers in charge for the event were Dr. Madanant Naik and Mr. Swapneel Naik. The event was well organized and appreciated by all the participants. The entire event was closely monitored by the in-charges to ensure that no players used third party software or teamed up during the event.

August 25, 2021 Comments are off

Guest Lecture on ‘Research Alignment: Understanding The Construction of Objectives and Hypothesis’

A guest lecture was organized for M.Com students on the topic ‘Research Alignment: Understanding The Construction of Objectives and Hypothesis’ in  the subject Research Methodology and Business Statistics  July 3, 2021 at 10.00 a.m. through Google Meet.

The resource person for the session was Dr. Smita Sanzgiri, Associate Professor GVM’s Gopal Govind Poy Raiturcar College of Commerce & Economics, Farmagudi, Goa.  She has been awarded Ph.D. in the area of women entrepreneurship in Goa.

The lecture was organised with the objective of making students understand how to align the objectives and hypothesis while doing research.

The session started with the brief introduction of the speaker by M.Com Part I student Ms. Sanjana Kamat. The speaker covered in her presentation points like framing of objectives aligning the research questions, meaning, types, source of hypothesis and how to align hypothesis with the objectives through various examples. Dr. Sanzgiri also covered the examples where she demonstrated how to avoid misalignment of research questions, objectives and hypothesis. The lecture ended with an interactive session between the resource person and the students.

Ms. Anar Singbal, M.Com Part-I student, proposed the vote of thanks. 30 students attended the guest lecture, organized by Asst. Professor, CMA Shameem Memon.