October 18, 2021 Comments are off

Session on Etiquettes for Life

The Life Skills Committee organized a session on the topic ‘Etiquettes for Life’ for the students of F.Y.B.Com on 28th Sept. 2021 from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm via Google Meet and was streamed live on the College YouTube Channel. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva, Professional Life Coach. The objective of the session was to highlight the importance of etiquettes in day to day life.

The session began with an introduction of the Resource Person by Elifton Rodrigues, student of FY B.Com A. The convener of the Life Skills Committee, Ms. Marjina Shaikh gave a brief overview of the topic. The Resource Person began the session by explaining, what etiquettes are and why etiquettes and mannerisms are so essential in our lives.

Ms. Silva, then interactively discussed the common slip ups we make and elaborately explained how etiquettes begin at home. She also explained the various types of etiquette and stressed on social etiquette to be followed in public places.

Corporate or business etiquette such as the proper handshake, email etiquette, cell phone etiquette, meeting etiquette, dining etiquette, corporate dressing etiquette and online etiquette were described in brief.

The session ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Khusbu Rushidev, student of FY B.Com A. Miss. Gandhali Ashok Karekar, student of FY B.Com A, was the compere for the session. 139 students attended the session. The students gained knowledge about the different types of etiquettes.

October 18, 2021 Comments are off

Quiz on Heart Health Awareness

On the occasion of World Heart Day on September 29, 2021, Counselling Cell organized an online quiz on Heart Health Awareness for the students and staff of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics and the General public.

Heart is one of the most vital organs in our body. But sometimes we tend to overlook the fact that it beats non-stop to keep us going. The main aim of the quiz was to create awareness about heart health among students, staff and the general public.

The quiz consisted of 15 statements and those who scored 50% and above were awarded certificates. Once submitted, quiz takers could check the correct responses along with the explanation of the statement.

161 responses were recorded till October 5, 2021. The link was deactivated on October 5, 2021.

October 16, 2021 Comments are off

Fit India Freedom Run

NCC Army Wing in collaboration with NSS Unit organized “Fit India Freedom Run” on 27th September, 2021 as a part of Azadika Amrut Mahotsav to commemorate 75th Year of India’s Independence. The event was held on an online platform. The main objective of this programme was to encourage fitness. The concept behind this run was “It can be run anywhere, anytime!”. 36 students participated enthusiastically in this programme. Lt. Sandesh Gaonkar was the event coordinator. E-Certificates were provided to all participants.

October 16, 2021 Comments are off

Sports Orientation Programme

The Department of Physical Education and Sports conducted a “Sports Orientation Programme” for First Year Students of B.com, M.com, BBA(FS), BCA and B.Voc via Google Meet on 25th September 2021. 75 students participated in the session. The Programme began with the introductory session by Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, College Director of Physical Education and Sport and Mr. Saurabh Raikar, Instructor in Physical Education.

Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar explained in detail the structure of sports activities conducted in College. He also clarified all the doubts raised by the students. Programme ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Saurabh Raikar.

October 16, 2021 Comments are off

NSS Inaugural Function

On occasion of NSS Day, NSS Unit of the College organized inaugural function for newly enrolled volunteers of FY, SY and TY B.Com programme on 24 September 2021, from 11:30 am to 1:15 pm through Google Meet. A total of 45 NSS volunteers attended the program. The inaugural function commenced with the Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya addressing the virtual gathering. The Chief Guest for the programme was Ms. Janki Mule, Social worker and active member of Mahila Mandal, Margao. She spoke about the importance of participation in NSS activities for the overall growth of the students.

The NSS Programme Officer In-charge Ms. Sharmila Kunde (Associate Professor), briefed the volunteers on NSS motto, aims and objectives, planned activities, duties of volunteers and also informed volunteers to maintain hard copy of NSS work records regularly as and when activities are conducted and submit the same whenever asked by the programme officers. Finally the program ended with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Mr. Ainsley Bernard (NSS Programme Officer).

October 14, 2021 Comments are off

Webinar on Careers in Cost and Management

The Department of Commerce and Management in collaboration with The Institute of Cost Accountant of India, Western Indian Regional Council organized a Webinar on Careers in Cost and Management on 23rd September 2021 from 12 noon to 1:00 pm via Google Meet. The Resource Person for the session was CMA Harshad Deshpande, Immediate Past Chairman, and P D Chairman and the second Resource Person was CMA Benoy Thomas, Associate Member of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India ICMAI. The objective of the session was to create awareness about the Cost and Management Accounting course among the students. The session began with welcome address by the Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya.
The Resource Person during the session highlighted the importance of the course and suggested that it is a prospective career option. He discussed about the Course – its Program structure, fees, learning resources, job opportunities, online and offline training, internships etc. He also gave a broader view of the course and its opportunities in various fields like pharmaceutical, textile, marketing, banking etc. He also stated that the course aims to inculcate and develop employability skills among the students.
The Resource Person answered all the queries raised by the participants. Head of Department of Commerce and Management, Dr. Shami Pai proposed the Vote of Thanks.
Assistant Professor Ms. Preksha Chopdekar was the coordinator and the compere for the session. 55 participants attended the session.

October 14, 2021 Comments are off

Orientation for M.Com Part II on Dissertations

The Post-Graduate Department organized an orientation program for the students of M.Com Part II on ‘Dissertations’ that is offered as a part of their course structure for semester III and IV on 22nd September 2021 at 10.00 am. The objectives of the session were to guide students on dissertations and to make them aware about the evaluation and assessment criteria for the same. Ms. Seema Dharani, Asst. Professor in Commerce began the session by informing students as to what a dissertation is all about and why and how could it be important for the students. She explained in detail the format of writing a dissertation and how to identify good topics for research from online sources. She further elaborated on the need for extensive literature review and how to identify sources for gathering data, methods of data collection and various statistical tools available for data analysis and interpretation.
Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Asst. Professor in Commerce informed the students about the evaluation criteria for dissertations. She motivated students to take up good research topics and further informed them about the availability of library, infrastructural facilities and e-resources databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Emerald Insight and Elsevier for facilitating smooth conduct of their research work. She assured students that workshops and research methodology sessions would be organized by the Department to facilitate easy understanding of research concepts and to further assist them in understanding the various tools and techniques used for data analysis and interpretation.21 students attended the session. The orientation concluded at 11:00 a.m.

October 14, 2021 Comments are off

“Career Awareness Program”

Department of Commerce & Management in Collaboration with Goa Chapter of ICSI jointly organized a webinar through Google Meet on “Career Awareness Programme” on 07th Sept, 2021 from 12:15 to 01:30 PM. 81 students participated in the webinar enthusiastically. Dr. Shami Pai, HOD Department of Commerce addressed the gathering. CS Abhijit Rane, Faculty/Chairman of Goa Chapter of ICSI and Adv. Rama Rao, Faculty/Career Counsellor of Goa Chapter of ICSI were the Resource Persons for the Webinar. Ms. Falguni Khatri was the compere for the event. Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar, Asst. Professor, introduced the Speaker, CS Abhijit Rane and Asst. Professor Ainsley Bernard introduced the second Speaker Adv. Rama Rao.
Both the Speakers spoke on the importance of CS as a career option. CS Abhijit Rane opined that the ICSI has been playing a key role in the growth and development of the Indian Corporate Sector by producing a cadre of highly qualified Company Secretaries as corporate managerial professionals for efficiently and professionally managing the administrative, secretarial, legal as well as financial activities, thus enabling the unhindered growth of the corporate sector. Adv. Rama Rao spoke on the following areas.
• CS – Eligibility to enroll as students for various stages
• CS – Entrance Exams and what are covered
• CS Fee Structure for Foundation Programme
• CS Fee Structure for Executive Programme
• CS Subjects
• Foundation Programme Papers Executive Programme Papers
• CS Career Prospects and Opportunities
• Key responsibilities of a Company Secretary
• Social Status and recognition as CS
• Statutory requirement to appoint/recruit CS
• The session further concluded with clearing the doubts of the participants
Programme concluded at 1.30 pm. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Senalda Lopes.

October 13, 2021 Comments are off

Online Quiz -Tech Trivia

Department of Information Technology organized an online quiz “Tech Trivia” on 27th July to 5th September. The quiz aimed at testing students on general terminologies in technology and their applications, widely used social media platforms and recent developments in the field of IT.

Aspiring Commerce graduates should be aware that most jobs now require the use of computers, mobile devices or software applications in some capacity. Thus, to be job ready, along with strong academic and domain knowledge, students must also possess the necessary job skills that will help them stand out amongst their peers. And one of the prominent skill is IT skill.

The quiz was designed to test basic knowledge of IT and recent developments in the field. It also aimed at promoting the  Computer Applications course offered as a Generic Elective in the First Year of the B.Com Program. An E- certificate was issued on scoring 50% and above. 119 students participated in the quiz.

October 13, 2021 Comments are off

Industry Interaction Session

The Department of Computer Science in association with IIC of the College organized an Industry interaction session on 04th September 2021 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm for its newly inducted batch of First Year BCA with the aim of motivating them and informing them about the opportunities which lies ahead. The Resource Person of the session was CEO of haztech – Goa, Mr. Mohsin Shaikh. Assistant Professor Ms. Sweta Verenkar introduced the Resource Person.

Mr. Mohsin Shaikh welcomed the students and informed them as to how he will be mentoring / helping them over the next 3 years.  During his session, Mr. Mohsin opined  that everyone should learn the advance concepts by themselves then the dream of become successful in the IT-ITeS Industry can be achieved. He said to the audience that by enrolling into the BCA Program of Shree Damodar College, they have taken right decision as this college strive for skilling the students and bridging the gap industry-academia to a greater extent.

He shared his journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur from an average BCA Graduate. He elaborated upon various knowledge sets that one should acquire in order to become successful into various job roles viz. Software Developer, Graphics Designer, Digital Marketing Professional, Content Writer, etc.

He also stressed upon the importance of projects, live projects, assignments, internships, communication skills, self-learning and creative thinking. All doubts and concerns raised by the students were clarified along with its implications.

Head of the Department, Mr. Sumit Kumar proposed the Vote of Thanks. The interaction session was informative and inspirational and was well received by the students.  80 FY BCA students attended the session.