Orientation for M.Com Part II on Dissertations

The Post-Graduate Department organized an orientation program for the students of M.Com Part II on ‘Dissertations’ that is offered as a part of their course structure for semester III and IV on 22nd September 2021 at 10.00 am. The objectives of the session were to guide students on dissertations and to make them aware about the evaluation and assessment criteria for the same. Ms. Seema Dharani, Asst. Professor in Commerce began the session by informing students as to what a dissertation is all about and why and how could it be important for the students. She explained in detail the format of writing a dissertation and how to identify good topics for research from online sources. She further elaborated on the need for extensive literature review and how to identify sources for gathering data, methods of data collection and various statistical tools available for data analysis and interpretation.
Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Asst. Professor in Commerce informed the students about the evaluation criteria for dissertations. She motivated students to take up good research topics and further informed them about the availability of library, infrastructural facilities and e-resources databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Emerald Insight and Elsevier for facilitating smooth conduct of their research work. She assured students that workshops and research methodology sessions would be organized by the Department to facilitate easy understanding of research concepts and to further assist them in understanding the various tools and techniques used for data analysis and interpretation.21 students attended the session. The orientation concluded at 11:00 a.m.