Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat National Integration Camp

NCC Army Wing SUO Falguni attended Online EBSB Camp on 23rd to 28th August 2021 with two days of EXPA training during the camp. SUO Falguni Khatri was awarded Best All-rounder Cadet Award in this camp.

On 23rd of August 2021, the camp started with activities of socio-cultural traditions and customs of Uttar Pradesh, followed by Karnataka and Goa. On 24th, cuisines, food habits, origin and dialects of all three states were presented, which was later followed by poster making competition on “Quit India movement” and a debate on “Duties of Constitution of India”. The cadets didn’t only brilliantly represent their states but also strongly quoted their views during the competition.

On 25th the states represented their cultural and folk dance, musical instruments performance, Dekho Apna Desh – Vist of history and tourism, a discussion on leadership qualities and presentation on Quit India movement was also organized that allowed the Cadets to understand and get familiar with their culture and heritage across the country.

On 28th Quiz competition was organized followed by feedback session from ANO’s about their experience in the camp. This was followed by the prize distribution ceremony where the cadets were awarded. SUO Falguni Kharti was awarded Best All-rounder Cadet Award.

The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Lt. Amit Chingle, 26 Kar bn. The camp was an enlightening experience that helped most cadets to understand their land and its beauty.