A session on Goa’s very own Job Search Portal “Job Desk”

The Placement Cell organized a virtual session on Goa’s very own Job Search Portal “Job Desk” on 11th August 2021 for the TY students across all programmes of the College. The session commenced at 6:00 p.m. The Resource Persons for the session were Mr. Harish S.S. Velingkar and Mr. Shrinivas Josh, Co-Founders at Job Desk Goa.

Asst. Prof. Grishmi Thakur introduced the Speakers for the session. Mr. Harish Velingkar. To begin with Mr. Velingkar introduced the participants about the Job Desk, the journey from 2007 till date, and the objectives behind starting the portal.

Mr. Shrinivas Joshi spoke about the various qualities that the employer looks and prefers in an employee. He also mentioned that along with the aptitude, the right attitude of the candidates is the utmost important factor, and most of the students are rejected mainly because of the wrong attitude they show at the time of the interviews.

The subsequent demonstration explained how students can subscribe to the portal by paying a nominal fee of ₹.199 per year. This subscription will help the students to apply for the vacancies that would be posted on the portal. Mr. Harish demonstrated current vacancies that have been posted by the employers on the portal. He also specified that this vacancies lasts for a short period of time and if any student is not willing to pay, then he/she can just upload his/her Curriculum Vitae and tick on the alert option after which they will be informed about the vacancy. All the vacancies shall however, not be intimated.

The session ended at 7:15 p.m. and it was very much appreciated by the students. 47 students participated in the session.