Observance of National Librarian Day 2021

The Department of Library and Readers’ Club jointly observed the National ‘Librarian Day: 2021’ on 12th August 2021 in the Library Reading Room. The Vice-Principal, Dr. Rodney D’silva inaugurated the function, followed by the lighting of the lamp and offering floral tribute to Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, father of Library Movement in India. Dr Ranganathan was a Librarian and a Mathematician from Madras.

To commemorate the National Librarian’s Day, a book exhibition was organised on the theme ‘World Famous Novels’ this was attended by the teachers and book lovers. Participants also issued books on the spot. An e-quiz was open for general public on ‘Books and Authors’, which was answered by 172 readers/participants. Certificates were given to all the participants.