Certificate Course – Research Methodology

The Post-Graduate Department organized a 30 hour Certificate Course in Research Methodology for the students of M.Com Part II. The sessions commenced on 13th March 2021 and were conducted till 7th July 2021. The sessions were mostly conducted through online mode on Google Meet platform and some through offline mode. The objective of this Certificate Course was to provide the students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding about research and enable them to apply the research tools and techniques learnt. 26 students completed the course.

The Resource Persons for the course were

Dr. Kaustubh Kamat, Asst. Director of Higher Education,

Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar, Asst. Professor, Dept of Economics, DM College and Research Centre

Dr. Harip Khanapuri, Associate Professor in Commerce, Goa Business School

Dr Maithili Naik, Asst. Prof in Commerce, Shree Damodar College

The Resource Persons explained both – primary data analysis and secondary data analysis. All the topics were explained theoretically and practically using data analysis software.

Dr. Kaustubh Kamat emphasised on the basics and importance of research in today’s world, briefly introduced primary data analysis, population and sample data, variables, content analysis, literature review and collection of data. He stressed on inclusion and exclusion of questions to be considered while framing the questionnaire. He covered the techniques for analyzing primary data using SPSS Software. Topics such as types of variables, types of questions, feeding of data in the software, testing of hypotheses, concept of confidence interval, concept of significance level, descriptive statistics, types of normality tests, types of techniques to be employed for different types of variables or data were covered.

Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar dealt with secondary data analysis. He explained the basics of secondary data analysis, reasons for conducting such analysis, types of data, tabulation, time series graphs, descriptive/summary statistics, introduction to t-Test and hypothesis testing using Gretl software, regression and correlation analysis.

Dr. Harip Khanapuri discussed secondary data analysis and explained Unit Root Test to check stationarity of data and Vector Auto regression (VAR) Model to check the interdependence and impact of variables on each other in the short run. Under VAR Model, he covered three major topics, viz. determining fitness/goodness of the model, Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD) and Impulse Response Function (IRF) using Gretl software. He covered topics like creating work file, importing data, Unit Root Test, Optimal Lag Selection, Johansen Co-integration Test to examine the existence of long run relationship and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to correct deviations using EViews software.

Dr Maithili Naik, covered major techniques of secondary data analysis such as Granger Causality Test for analyzing the existence of causal relationship between variables, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and Generalized ARCH (GARCH) Model to examine the volatility using EViews Software.

The Certificate Course helped the students in increasing their knowledge and understanding of research methodology and to apply the data analysis techniques to their dissertations.